(KIRO/CNN) - A Washington man is in jail accused of plotting to hire someone to kill his wife and 4-year-old daughter.
Police were tipped off to his plans after the man accidentally sent a text to his former boss instead of a potential hit man.Investigators say 42-year-old Jeff Lytle sent a text message on Tuesday trying to hire someone to kill his wife and four-year-old daughter.
Court documents say the text read, "Hey Shayne hows it going. You remember you said that you would help me kill my wife. I'm going to take you up on that offer."
"Life insurance is worth 1 million and if you want a bonus you can kill JL. Her life insurance is 500k."
Instead of sending it to someone named Shayne, detectives say Lytle sent it to his former boss, who immediately called 911.
Lytle is being held on $1 million bail for solicitation of murder.
Court documents say Lytle even texted how to kill his family.
"If you can make it look like a robbery gone wrong or make it a accident she works at Walmart she gets off at 11:00," the text allegedly read.
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