Every time you pass any sort of small hole, crevice, slot, gap, nook, eyelet, gash, cavity, burrow, cleft, or divot, know this: There's some twisted dude out there who's probably stuck his junk through it.
A guy in Monea, Northern Ireland was having some work done on a new house last year. And one day, when he went to check on it, he saw a puddle near the front door. A few days later, he found another puddle there.
He talked with the construction workers and they all agreed it looked like pee, so the guy installed a security camera. And that's when he discovered what was going on: The house was involved in a sexual relationship.
A 52-year-old delivery driver named David Camblin kept going to the house when the workers were gone and would have SEX with the mail slot. And then, I guess, occasionally he'd also pee inside. He sounds like a winner.
The cops investigated and eventually they arrested David for three counts of property damage.
And he just pleaded guilty. He'll be sentenced later this month.